

Hello Neighbor, developed by Dynamic Pixels and published by tinyBuild, is a stealth horror game that challenges players to uncover the dark secrets buried within their neighbor's house. The game, launched in December 2017, immediately captivated players with its distinctive gameplay and innovative AI features. The premise is simple yet captiva...

Hello Neighbor

  • Eddie Gravenberch
  • May 29, 2024

Hello Neighbor, developed by Dynamic Pixels and published by tinyBuild, is a stealth horror game that challenges players to uncover the dark secrets buried within their neighbor's house. The game, launched in December 2017, immediately captivated players with its distinctive gameplay and innovative AI features. The premise is simple yet captivating: you play as an unnamed protagonist who begins to suspect that his neighbor is hiding something sinister in his basement. Your task is to sneak into the neighbor's house and discover what he's keeping hidden while avoiding being caught.

The Engrossing Plot of Hello Neighbor

The story of Hello Neighbor is shrouded in mystery and unfolds in a nonlinear fashion, compelling players to piece together clues and narratives. As you advance in the game, it becomes clear that the neighbor, Mr. Peterson, is not just an eccentric recluse but may be hiding a terrifying secret. Each attempt to infiltrate his house reveals complex puzzles and traps that hint at the depth of his paranoia and guilt. The game is divided into different acts, each escalating in difficulty and revelation, guiding players through a well-crafted suspenseful story that blurs the line between right and wrong.

Noteworthy Bugs and Glitches

While Hello Neighbor is celebrated for its innovative AI and gameplay, it is not without its technical issues. Players have reported various bugs that can detract from the gaming experience. These include issues like glitches through walls, the neighbor's AI becoming stuck, and occasional framerate drops. These bugs can sometimes aid players unintentionally, but they more often lead to frustration. However, the development team has been responsive to community feedback, releasing patches aimed at fixing these problems and improving the game's overall stability.

Awards and Recognition

Despite its indie status, Hello Neighbor has received numerous nominations and awards from the gaming community. The game received a nomination for "Best Indie Game" at the Golden Joystick Awards and was acclaimed for its groundbreaking application of AI. These accolades reflect the game's ability to resonate with a broad audience, offering both challenges and unique storytelling elements that set it apart from other games in the horror genre.

Visuals and Artistic Flair

Hello Neighbor uses a vibrant, cartoonish art style that contrasts sharply with its dark themes. This juxtaposition creates a unique unsettling atmosphere, making it all the more disturbing when the horror elements of the game come into play. The design of the neighbor's house is meticulously detailed, with each room telling part of the story. The visuals are not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional, serving to guide the player's gaze and hint at solutions to various puzzles.

Sound Design and Atmosphere

The audio in Hello Neighbor plays a pivotal role in building tension and guiding player emotions. The soundtrack, composed of eerie and often discordant tunes, perfectly complements the unsettling visuals. Sound cues are crucial for gameplay, alerting players to the neighbor's movements and actions. This reliance on auditory information pulls players deeper into the game's immersive experience, heightening both the suspense and the stakes of getting caught.

Cheats and Tricks for Advancing in Hello Neighbor

For those players who find themselves stuck at certain stages, there are numerous cheats and tricks to aid in progressing through the game. These range from using console commands to enable ghost mode, allowing movement through walls, to manipulating items to create diversions. While using cheats can diminish the challenge and satisfaction of the game, they can also provide a different perspective on the puzzles and AI behavior.

Strategic Gameplay Tips

Succeeding in Hello Neighbor requires both stealth and strategy. Key tips include observing the neighbor's patrol patterns, using sound to your advantage, and improvising with household items to create distractions or blockades. Players must also be keen to explore the environment thoroughly, as items essential to unlocking puzzles can often be found in less obvious locations. Besides, understanding the AI's learning abilities can help in devising more effective evasion tactics.

Unique In-Game Elements

Hello Neighbor introduces several unique gameplay elements, like AI that learns from your actions. Each time you are caught, the neighbor adjusts his strategy, setting traps and patrolling previously breached paths more thoroughly. This dynamic learning process ensures no two playthroughs are the same, providing fresh challenges and replayability.

Expanding the Narrative: Secrets and Backstory

As players delve deeper into the neighbor’s house, they uncover subtle hints and secrets that piece together Mr. Peterson’s backstory. These narrative elements are woven seamlessly into the gameplay, with environmental storytelling playing a significant role. Discovering these secrets not only enriches the story but also shifts players’ perception of the villain, adding layers of complexity to the character and overall plot.


Hello Neighbor stands out as a profound example of horror and stealth combined with innovative AI to create a uniquely thrilling experience. Despite some technical flaws, the game offers a deep, engaging storyline and high replayability, making it a standout title in the indie horror scene. With its clever design, chilling narrative, and intense gameplay, Hello Neighbor promises to keep your heart racing and your curiosity piqued, pushing you to uncover every dark secret hidden within the neighbor's home.

  • Unique stealth gameplay with challenging AI
  • Intriguing storyline and mystery to uncover
  • Creative, sandbox elements encourage problem-solving
  • Puzzles can be very difficult and unclear
  • Inconsistent performance and bugs